Women Of Color Did Not Come To Play: Political Gains Made in 2018

By: Cassandre 

Although politics can be a sensitive subject for us to talk about and with good reason, there were some important and positive political gains that were made in 2018 by Black women and women of color that remind me that there is hope, all is not for naught and that we must continue the good fight. In fact, now more than ever I believe do we need these positive reminders, especially being a Black person living in America in 2019.

Michelle Williams and Our Obsession with Women's Relationship Statuses

Michelle Williams and Our Obsession with Women's Relationship Statuses

By: Cassandre Joseph

The fact that Michelle is receiving so much attention because of her relationship status points to a bigger societal issue. That being that a woman's value and relevance is tied directly to her relationship status. Our society is obsessed with relationships and love.

Blackfishing: A New Trend, Old Concept

Blackfishing: A New Trend, Old Concept

By: Nella Rae

The term blackfishing is relatively new, but many believe the concept isn’t. The uptick in white women using makeup and tanning to darken their skin is believed to be a modern-day form of blackface. Whether the goal is to appear to have darker skin or black ancestry, imitating the black appearance has become quite the phenomenon.