Side Hustle Culture: Has the 'Side Hustle' become a necessity?

Side Hustle Culture: Has the 'Side Hustle' become a necessity?

By: Addie Fisher 

You could turn a side hustle into a budding business, pack up a van, and work your digital business from any Starbucks across the nation at this point - and people are doing exactly that everyday. But why is the side hustle culture so appealing now?

Healthy Skepticism Is Okay: The Jussie Smollett Case

Healthy Skepticism Is Okay: The Jussie Smollett Case

By: Cassandre

While some people reacted with outrage and sympathy towards Jussie, other people questioned the actors' story from the beginning. As a result, they faced backlash for not immediately accepting the actors' story. This story brings to light an important question, are we allowed to publicly doubt?

More Justine Skye and Sheck Wes Allegations

More Justine Skye and Sheck Wes Allegations

By: Candace 

Twitter was ablaze this past week as model and singer Justine Skye brought domestic violence allegations to the public after she and a group of friends were violently assaulted on Monday evening. Skye, who had publicly mentioned being in an abusive relationship in the past but left the name of the attacker unspoken, alleged that ex-boyfriend, Harlem rapper Sheck Wes, and his friends stalked and attacked her friends and her current boyfriend. In the viral tweet, Skye alleges that Sheck Wes not only abused her in the past, but that he also used to beat the girlfriend that he had before her.

Blackface in 2019? Why Does This Keep Happening?

Blackface in 2019? Why Does This Keep Happening?

By: Cassandre 

It should go without saying that blackface is not permissible in any shape, form, or fashion. Each piece of clothing that is released by a brand goes through a process and is seen by many eyes. Yet, the fact that various fashion brands continue to use blackface in their clothing and on the runway has me wondering why?

The Problem With Defending Liam

The Problem With Defending Liam

By: Cassandre 

Actor Liam Neeson was recently promoting his newest film, Cold Pursuit. The purpose of his interview on Monday was to solely speak about his movie. However, the actor shared a bit of disturbing information. The original interview can be found in the Independent Culture. In the interview, Liam tries to explain how his character from Cold Pursuit, turns to anger.

Women Of Color Did Not Come To Play: Political Gains Made in 2018

By: Cassandre 

Although politics can be a sensitive subject for us to talk about and with good reason, there were some important and positive political gains that were made in 2018 by Black women and women of color that remind me that there is hope, all is not for naught and that we must continue the good fight. In fact, now more than ever I believe do we need these positive reminders, especially being a Black person living in America in 2019.

Michelle Williams and Our Obsession with Women's Relationship Statuses

Michelle Williams and Our Obsession with Women's Relationship Statuses

By: Cassandre Joseph

The fact that Michelle is receiving so much attention because of her relationship status points to a bigger societal issue. That being that a woman's value and relevance is tied directly to her relationship status. Our society is obsessed with relationships and love.