
Netflix, Original Content, and Second Chances in TV

Netflix, Original Content, and Second Chances in TV

By: Sarah Rappaport 

Not long ago, the cancellation of a show by a major television network would officially be the end of its run. No reboots. No redos. Maybe, if it was lucky, a show may retain cult status and live on as chat-room canon fodder, but with the rise of streaming powerhouses such as Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime, the network cancellation of a show may just give the program the boost it needed to succeed on an alternative platform.

Everything We Know About Amazon’s Upcoming Lord of the Rings TV Prequel

Everything We Know About Amazon’s Upcoming Lord of the Rings TV Prequel

By: Martin Hoffstepper

When Amazon Studios announced in November of 2017 that they had acquired the rights to J.R.R. Tolkien’s wildly popular fantasy series The Lord of the Rings and would be producing a TV prequel series for their Prime streaming service, I did what any self-respecting “Ringer” would have done. I sat myself down and watched, in its entirety, Peter Jackson’s The Lord of the Rings trilogy. Yes, the extended editions. Yes, it was glorious.