
Healthy Skepticism Is Okay: The Jussie Smollett Case

Healthy Skepticism Is Okay: The Jussie Smollett Case

By: Cassandre

While some people reacted with outrage and sympathy towards Jussie, other people questioned the actors' story from the beginning. As a result, they faced backlash for not immediately accepting the actors' story. This story brings to light an important question, are we allowed to publicly doubt?

Blackface in 2019? Why Does This Keep Happening?

Blackface in 2019? Why Does This Keep Happening?

By: Cassandre 

It should go without saying that blackface is not permissible in any shape, form, or fashion. Each piece of clothing that is released by a brand goes through a process and is seen by many eyes. Yet, the fact that various fashion brands continue to use blackface in their clothing and on the runway has me wondering why?